Wednesday, 25 September 2013

Guide to Metallics

Whether it'd be the studs of your boots, the detailing of your purse, that statement necklace, that crazy sequin skirt's all metallic. And it's everywhere!Trust me, if you were to open up your closet right niw, you'd find something metallic. Even that crazy sequin dress you never wear! As well as being easy to find, it's easy to pull off. Here's your oh-so-simple guide.

Gold is a warm colour. When paired with white or lighter colours, it can be girly and feminine. But, when paired with darkers hues such as black and ox blood, it can give that glam rock appeal.

 But remember all that glitters is not gold- it can be silver too. Since silver is a cool tone, it is harder to incorporate it into a more feminine look, so to rock silver, work it into a darker outfit- oxblood, blacks and navy blues to give off a glam or rock look.

 P.S. add sequins for instant glamour

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